Sounds Painful
by Eric Cherry
I've been a fiction writer since forever. I write fantasy and science fiction, or some blending of the two, and most of it is dark.
Some of my short stories are nigh impossible to find, but the ones that aren't will be linked here.
Short Story, Supervillain Sci-fi, Kindle Purchase
I had a conversation about mad scientists with a cadre of artists in Seattle. One of them realized that a fine anthology idea was at hand, and I came up with a fun story.
Dr. Shock is an avuncular madman who takes up mentoring other mad scientists. Dr. Brainbridge is a deranged visionary who makes a dangerous protégé. Their disagreement ends the world (these things happen), and then our story begins.
Blaze Ward published it in the collection "I Like My Science...MAD!" in 2019.